Date:13th & 14th February, 2024
Venue:Rotary Dandapani Bhattarai Bhawan, Bharatpur Height Premises
College of Medical Sciences Premises, Bharatpur
Chitwan Medical College Premisses
Rotary Club of Chitwan & Rotaract Club of Chitwan jointly organised two day Blood Donation Camp with the support of Chitwan Medical College, College of Medical Sciences & Narayani Steels on 13th & 14th February with three venue. On the 1st day blood collection activities took place at Rotary Dandapani Bhattarai Bhawan, Bharatpur Height and the college of Medical Sciences and the following day, the venue shifted to Chitwan Medical College The program was conducted under the chairmanship of president Rtn. Chandreshwar Prasad Bhattarai and the chief guest of the program was Bharatpur Metropolitan city Ward no. 3 Chairman Bikash Thapa and special guest was Prem Sagar Karmacharya, the central President of the volunter blood society center. During the program a total of 216 pints of blood were collected.