Health Check-Up and Dental CampDate : 24th July, 2021, Saturday
Rotary Club of Chitwan along with Rotaract Club of Chitwan successfully organized a Health and Dental check up Camp at Rotary Karunalaya (Old Aged Home), Bharatpur -1 Devghat.

The program was jointly chaired by Rtn. Gyanendra Man Shakya (President, RC Chitwan) and Rtr. Saugat Aryal (President, RAC Chitwan). The Chief Guest of the program was Rtn. Chandraman Shrestha (Past President of RC Chitwan and Chairman of Rotary Karunalaya).
In the Camp 37 dependent senior citizens were diagnosed and treated for General Health and Dental related problems and medicine was distributed at free of cost as per the recommendation of the Doctor.

The program was co-ordinated by Rtr. Dr. Nisha Regmi (Vice President, RAC Chitwan) and was hosted by Rtr. Prazu Poudel (Sgt-At- Arms, RAC Chitwan)

Rotarian Participants:
1. Rtn. Gyanendra Man Shakya, President
2. Rtn. Roshan Kharel, Editor
3. Rtn. Chandraman Shrestha, Past President
4. Rtn. Prabha Gurung, Member