Date :- 6th August, 2022, Saturday
Venue :- Udyog Banijya Sangh, Chitwan
Rotary Club of Chitwan, Rotaract Club of Chitwan, Chitwan Automobile Dealer Association and Nepal AutoMobile Associations (NASA) jointly conducted “Helmet For Life” Awareness program on Saturday. The program was successfully concluded under chairmanship of Rotary Club of Chitwan’s secretary Rtn. Rajan Piya. The program’s Master of ceremony was Club Service Project Director Rtn. Puran Subedi and welcomed by 3rd Vice president Rtn. Ram Chandra Adhikary. Further, F.I.A (Federation International the Automobile), World council member Mr. Govinda Bhattarai has highlighted the importance of Motorsports, Automobile mobility, drive tourism and road safety awareness. Lastly but not the least, the program has been successfully concluded by handing over prizes to one female winner and one male winner of Slow Bike Riding Competition.