Date :- 20th September, 2022 / 4th Ashwin, 2079, Tuesday
Venue :- Rotary Park, Ganeshdham, Bharatpur Metropolitan City – 11, Chitwan
Rotary Club of Chitwan in a joint collaboration with Rotaract Club of Chitwan and Spouses Club of RC Chitwan and in association with Ganesh Dham Conservation Support Committee jointly organized Tree plantation program has been completed in the open premises of the holy place of Ganesh Dham Temple located at Bharatpur Metropolitan City Ward No. 11 , Baseni . Rtn. Deepak Pradhan , President of the club, highlighted different types of plants including seasonal fruits that were planted in the open area inside the Ganeshdham Temple .
In that plantation program, Past District Governor of Rotary International District 3292 Nepal & Bhutan Rtn. Rabindra Kumar Piya , Assistant Governor of Zone 33 Rtn. Suresh Sen , Assistant District Secretary of Region 6 Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan , Annual Fund Sub Committee Chair Rtn. Sharad Gopal Nyachhyon , District Tree Plantation Sub Committee Co-Chair Rtn. Rohit Shrestha , Secretary of the club Rtn. Rajan Piya , District Officers, Past Presidents of the Club, Chairman of Ganesh Dham Conservation Promotion Committee Rtn. Dinesh Kumar Chuke , Rotaractors, Spouses , Local press reporters and local residents significantly participated in the program.